Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Data source creation on Jboss eap and database Password Encription

I have used Jboss eap 5.2.yes it is bit old version and current version is 7.1.0.

First you have to create a datasource.
1.       Run the JBoss eap server and get JBoss EAP Admin Console
2.       Navigate to the Datasource type to be added, under Resources → Datasources→  Local Tx Datasources
3.       Click Add a new resource.
4.       Select the resource template from the drop-down box, and click Continue (I used default (Local Tx Datasource)).
5.       Enter required parameters of JNDI Name, JDBC Driver Class and Connection URL.
6.       Click Save. The datasource is available.
7.       check the connection with JBoss EAP Admin console, select datasource →Control → Test Connection(It should be success without and exception on server log or console)
The procedure will create a <db>-ds.xml file in your  JBOSS_HOME/server/<Profile>/deploy. The data source’s configuration is as following.
  <!-- MS SQL Configuration -->

Then I’m going to encrypt  the database password. You have to set security-domain for this purpose.
1.       Encrypt the data source password.
a.       Change directory to the jboss-as directory and get command prompt
b.      Run following command .abc@123 database password
(java -cp client\jboss-logging-spi.jar;lib\jbosssx.jar abc@123
It will give Encoded password: -448c91357056c19d)
2.       Create an application authentication policy with the encrypted password.
a.       Open to JBOSS_HOME/server/<Profile>/conf/login-config.xml
b.      You have to add application-policy in the policy tag as follows
      <!-- Example usage of the SecureIdentityLoginModule -->
      <application-policy name="EncryptDBPassword">
              <login-module code="" flag="required">
                  <module-option name="username">sa</module-option>
                  <module-option name="password">-448c91357056c19d </module-option>
                  <module-option name="managedConnectionFactoryName">jboss.jca:name= ussd,service=LocalTxCM</module-option>

3.       Configure the data source to use the application authentication policy.Here you should remove  user-name  and password and add <security-domain>EncryptDBPassword</security-domain>

  <!-- MS SQL Configuration -->
                <!--<password> </password>-->            

4.       check the connection with JBoss EAP Admin console, select datasource→Control → Test Connection(It should be success without and exception on server log or console)

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